On the 4th of December we participated in the workshop “New Technologies in Architecture and Construction – VR, AR and MR” organized by South Poland Cleantech Cluster, of which Horizone Studio is a member.
Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) technologies are becoming generally available and have opened up new possibilities in architecture and construction.
The applications are diverse. They help in solving design problems, functional analysis, all the way to revolutionary solutions in customer communication and marketing. Horizone Graphics recently introduced VR models to its portfolio.
Are VR technologies the future of design presentation? Time will tell. We have no doubt that it is a very useful tool that will facilitate our work and contact with investors.
VR (Virtual Reality) and AR (Augmented Reality) are technologies experiencing their heyday. These technologies have applications not only in entertainment, but especially in business, marketing, communications, culture and science.
Is VR/AR just a fad or a technology that will revolutionize our lives? What are the strongest trends in the development of these technologies? Which industries and sectors await VR’s evolution? What benefit do architects and developers get from using VR/AR technologies? – These questions were tried to be answered by the participants of the workshop organized by SP Cleantech Cluster.