Summary of the year in Real Estate Expert

What trends dominated the real estate market in terms of sustainability? What green solutions were used in multifamily construction? What did clients themselves expect?

What trends dominated the real estate market in terms of sustainability? What green solutions were used in multifamily construction? What did customers themselves expect?

Interest in eco-building has been growing rapidly for several years. The office market has undergone a revolution in this regard, and now the residential market is beginning to undergo a transformation. Indeed, there are a number of solutions possible in multifamily buildings, which in the long term can bring considerable economic benefit to users. For this reason, architects are increasingly using them in their projects.

The choice of solutions for healthy buildings and renewable energy sources is wide. These include, for example, photovoltaic panels or so-called solar panels combined with a heat storage tank common to the entire building. This does not necessarily have to be a solution that provides 100 percent of annual energy needs – instead, it can complement traditional solutions. Another example is heat recovery on ventilation, or recuperation. If buildings have mechanical ventilation, such recovery is used before the air is thrown outside.

Another thing encountered in new developments is the use of green roofs. Such a solution carries a number of advantages- in warm months it protects the top floors from overheating, the green roof also provides retention, because it collects some of the rainwater from rainfall. It should be noted that customers are increasingly paying attention to health, the quality of their lives and want to feel good where they live.

And so, for example, young people are very sensitive to so-called greenwashing – they need certainty that the solutions used are not just a marketing “hook”, but real savings and benefits for the surrounding environment. If they have such certainty, they are increasingly willing to pay more for green amenities.  Even today you can find developers who direct part of their sales efforts to such an audience. They only end up succeeding when their message is consistent, which is basically just being consistent with reality.

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