Textorial Park II – The complex of three buildings in Lodz

A complex of three buildings with office and commercial functions and revitalization of post-industrial areas in Łódź
Lodz, Tymienieckiego Street
St. Pauls Developments Polska
Dominik Darasz, Bartłomiej Kisielewski, Robert Strzeński
Author cooperation:
Jagoda Bogusławska, Dariusz Grobelny, Krystian Wawer, Michał Boryczko, Maciej Warot, Anna Chrząszcz, Volodia Tsapuk
M&E Instalations:
Zbigniew Kotynia Doradztwo Budowlane
Facade design:
Studio Profil
Landscape design:
Land Arch
BREEAM consultant:
Sweco Consulting
Total area:
approx. 38 900 m2
Net area:
approx. 33 200 m2
26 000 m2
Przestrzeń publiczna:
9 000 m2

One of the key tasks given to us by the investor was to develop the kind of functional and architectonic programme that would attract and promote social activity. The goal is to create a new, attractive destination in the city of Lodz.

Więcej w publikacjach

PropertyDesign – “Ten łódzki projekt wyznacza nowe standardy w zakresie budownictwa przyjaznego ludziom i środowisku”
E-biurowce – “Jedyny polski projekt w zestawieniu BREEAM Christmas 2018 znajduje się w Łodzi”
Nieruchomości.biz – “Łódzki Textorial Park II jako jedyny polski projekt w prestiżowym międzynarodowym zestawieniu BREEAM Christmas 2018”
Property News – “Textorial Park II wyznacza standardy”

To differentiate the new from the historic buildings, different architecture languages have been incorporated into the design.

The glass facades of the central section of the office buildings will be covered by vertical shade structures, painted in soft reds, yellows and browns, as references to the historic, brick-made architecture of Łódź.
The building façade facing the Księży Młyn will be given a bright-grey, clinker brick finish, thus creating a neutral background for the neighbouring buildings. The design is meant to attract attention thanks to its elegance and functional

The development’s many functions as well as its attractive neighbourhood help ensure that it will become a socially vibrant area, 7 days in a week, from morning to evening.
At the ground level of the two historic warehouses, designed as open towards the newly developed pedestrian zone, special areas have been developed for catering, boutiques, coffee shops or wine & bread bakeries. By letting in light through the originally blind windows of the historic buildings and opening them all the way to ground level, access to natural light will be provided and additional access points to the listed locations will be created. Above the ground level, on the first floor, office spaces and studios will be made available for lease.

The main assumption behind the project is that open spaces should exist between the historic warehouses, which provides access from ul. Tymienieckiego to the areas near the Textorial buildings. Due to its length of about 230 metres, the public space has been divided into four smaller urban sections, each with a slightly different character.

The development programme assumes that its islands of greenery will be surrounded by corten steel fencing, platforms, benches, a playground for children and other small architecture solutions that encourage outdoor activities. The project implementation assumes that the interconnected areas of the Księży Młyn will blend into the vibrant city fabric.

The project has already undergone multi-criteria environmental assessment certification (BREEAM) at early design stages, and has been deemed Excellent. This fact alone increases the probability that the development will be seen as one of the most environmentally friendly projects in the region.

The model made by Horizone Graphics


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