Retail Park in Gdansk

A retail and service center complex located by the Gdansk bypass in Kowale.
Kowale, Gdańska
Dominik Darasz, Bartłomiej Kisielewski, Robert Strzeński
Super Krak S.A.
approx. 55 ha (version 1), approx. 38 ha (verson 2)

The concept imply that the complex will be developed along the main east-west orientated pedestrian route, joining physically and functionally the different elements of the development. This so called “spine-road” consolidates the whole area and provides suitable shopping galleries that have quality of the city centre shop streets, with friendly interiors and welcoming display windows.

In its centre point, beside green recreational area, a square has been designed that connects cinema and the shopping area. All shop frontages on both sides, entrances to the shopping galleries, exits from the main passageways and small, summer time café shops has been located along the main pedestrian walkway.

The location of the new retail park with its wide spread green areas, accessibility and functionality takes into account planned, future residential neighbourhood. Its residents will have easy access to services and recreational areas. At the same time retail park will gain new customers. The entire development has a friendly communication system both for drivers, pedestrians, cyclists and delivery.

The urban layout secures convenient parking on the perimeter of the development and provides comfortable communication between all its segments. The whole urban design is very flexible. It allows for phasing and volume variation of diferent modules securing at the same time quality of architecture and urban planning along with its functionality.


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